Tuesday 29 March 2011

Unusually small and with a head and bill shape reminiscent of Richardson's Canada goose, this bird was on the Thames at Pangbourne near Reading. No ring but primaries seem to be missing on one wing which suggests wings have been clipped or bird is moulting. Unusual.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Had a fantastic morning at Staines despite the midges..the three target birds gradually revealed themselves. First the scaup, which was very skittsh but ultimately distinguishable from the tufties. Then a small flock of little gulls started picking insects off the water surface, and finally two magnificent great northern divers showed really well as the mist lifted. The water was incredibly still, with no wind. Beautiful, even at the end of Heathrow runway...

Friday 25 March 2011

Looking forward to going to Staines tomorrow...gorgeous weather today may have encouraged a few rarities to come through...little gull, little ringed plover. Funny time of year, when the last winter visitors are just lingering on and the first summer migrants are arriving...

Tuesday 15 March 2011


spending the day in Southall and had a stroll around Minet Country Park. Incredible to hear skylarks singing so close to urban London. A classic eclectic city mix of ring-necked parakeets, little owls, rabbits, greater spotted woodpecker and reed bunting...the year's first chiffchaff was a treat. It was lovely to be back on my old urban stomping ground..the juxtaposition of hustle and quiet has notlost its allure....

Sunday 13 March 2011


now that was a morning out birding never to be forgotten....


still cannot quite believe what happened whilst out birding this morning...dream-like

Friday 11 March 2011


heard there were barnacle geese at Wilstone and drove there after school, walked up the steps, scanned the reservoir and got a great view of them taking off and flying into the distance....perfect timing....a few seconds later and I'd have missed them. The gull roost is now showing lots of birds in adult plumage...summer is on the way.....

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....