Tuesday 19 February 2013

RIP Richard Briers: Roobarb, When Custard Was Sorry

Ever Decreasing Circles: One Night Stand Part 3

Ever Decreasing Circles: One Night Stand Part 2

Richard Briers....Ever Decreasing Circles: One Night Stand

Very sad to hear of the passing of Richard Briers who is perhaps best known for 'The Good Life' but for me was always the voice of 'Rhubarb'. I also feel that although the Good Life is the series he will be most associated with, 'Ever Decreasing Circles' was very funny and well observed and did not really achieve the recognition it deserved. I went to the filming of this episode in the mid 1980s at the BBC Television Centre so it has a particular resonance for me. Richard Briers RIP.

Monday 4 February 2013

RIP Reg Presley: Troggs - "Love Is All Around"

A film soooo bad....it's good: Max Magician Clips

I bought the DVD of this film the other day at the supermarket for my daughter to watch...it looked quite promising from the cover. Well.....even she....at the age of 9......asked me to switch it off. Awful, wooden acting, a dreadful script and some terrible fight scenes...have actually made it compulsive viewing! We haven't laughed at a film this much in a long time...........

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....