Saturday 13 July 2013

Star Trek -The Trouble With Tribbles........and rabbits are worse!

This has been my life since my daughter started keeping rabbits......

Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime ORIGINAL 1970

Summer flowers........

Having lost my camera earlier this year in New York, it is a huge relief once again to be able to record the world around me. It is a beautiful Summer day and the cultivated flowers in the garden are looking their best in the midday sun.......

Friday 12 July 2013

St Tiggywinkles.......

I was called out earlier this morning to deal with a wood pigeon that had flown through an open window at work and, in a panicked and confused state, was not able to find the same route out again. Fortunately it was not injured but just left a ridiculous amount of feathers and droppings to remind us of its presence. These sort of incidents happen all the time and I have had to deal with everything from trapped deer to young starlings stuck under a bath. I have extricated ducklings from drains and reared to maturity numerous nestlings whose nests had fallen victim to over-zealous hedge trimming. People know you like wildlife and assume you know what to do. When I used to run the Harrow Wildlife Group twenty five years ago I was always being treated as a form of emergency service. Not that I minded at all. Which brings me to St Tiggywinkles just up the road from me in Haddenham near Aylesbury. It is an amazing facility, particularly at this time of year when awkward babies and juveniles of many species are out and about.  If you have a free afternoon and are nearby....the visitor centre is excellent and it is a privilege to witness the care given so expertly to such a wide variety of wildlife. Click on the link above to get to their website.

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....