Wednesday 19 February 2014

Nature imitates art.......?

I love the combinations of colours and shapes represented in these pictures.....and in particular the tiny crab that seemed to be seeking refuge within the protective tentacles of the was not more than a couple of centimetres across the shell. Beautiful.

Welney in the fens......swans at night........

Not the sharpest camera really isn't up to capturing night images......but a lovely evening watching a mixture of mute and whooper swans coming in to roost and feed on the washes. Magical.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

These carp were not 'coy'.........

This was one of the highlights of our trip to China last year.......feeding the Koi carp in the various gardens we visited. The colours were mesmerising and their jostling for position had everybody completely captivated.

Monday 17 February 2014


Just found this.....brings back memories from last Summer when we had a whistle-stop tour of China and not enough time to look for the birds that were there....anyway, they generally seemed to keep a very low profile. This was a light-vented bulbul that did oblige, preening and singing from a prominent perch near the City Wall in Xian.

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....