Tuesday 27 May 2014

QI XL G04 - Geography

Wet Whitstable........Little Winkles, Prince Alberts and no beaver.......

Plastic-not-so-fantastic at Rainham Marshes.........

On the way back from a short stay in Kent we decided to stop off at Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve for a cup of tea and a bit of cake....traffic through the Dartford Crossing had been slow so it would be  welcome break. After a brief sit-down we decided to go for a brief stroll along the Thames river front. It is not often I am shocked but thr sheer quantity of plastic that had been deposited along the strand line was breathtaking. Mostly bottle tops and straws from cartons. On their own insignificant but in one non-biodegradeable mass they formed a continuous edge to the river, defining the high-tide mark. This was the stuff that was visible.....how much more is out there and what harm are we doing to the marine environment? A black sludge was clinging to the flood defence barrier but some plants had begun to grow through it - and I suppose in that there is some hope that the natural world can deal with such suffocating and visible pollution.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Monday 19 May 2014

'Treeflections' and 'backlight and shade'.........

Sunday was just a perfect day in so many ways. Sunshine, but without too much heat. A light, cooling breeze. I noticed in the evening that the sun's rays were back-lighting leaves - sycamore and cotinus in particular - with dappled shadow pulsing with the slight movement caused by the gentle wind. I also like reflections....and looking into the undisturbed surface of the Grand Union canal at Wendover was almost like staring at a mirror.

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....