Saturday 22 August 2015

Wendover to Amersham.....walking the route of HS2

Last week I walked from Wendover to Amersham.....about 12 miles....following the route of the proposed new High Speed rail line. I have wanted to do this for a long time. Not as a speed challenge but rather to meander
and discover the secrets that lie either side of the A413, a road that I have driven along twice a day for almost the last twenty years. I set off at dawn, had morning coffee in Crumbs, a beautiful picnic lunch in Great Missenden and afternoon tea in Old Amersham. I discovered overgrown mill ponds and an old snack van that had swallows nesting in it. I sat in the sun and ate blackberries from the hedge. I found Roald Dahl's grave and a free library on the edge of Great Missenden. Wildflowers and woodpeckers. I laughed with the locals of Little Miss and discovered that the River Misbourne flows under the Amersham bypass. This valley will never be the same once they start building the new railway. Landscapes are never static but I wonder how many of these secrets will be lost or irrevocably damaged?

Tuesday 18 August 2015


I am very lucky to have this as a view from my front garden. The field was harvested today and a kestrel was patrolling for most of the afternoon, clearly looking for any displaced rodents.

Sunday 16 August 2015


I was lucky enough to see Eddie Gray play towards the end of his career and he has had an illustrious affiliation with the club as a player manager, coach and media pundit ever since. The fans love him. I was at the Reading match today and as I drove away from the Madejski stadium I stopped to let him cross the road in front of me which he acknowledged with a nod and a smile. I will admit to being completely starstruck. 1970 was the year I started supporting Leeds as a five year old boy and Eddie Gray's performances were inspirational.

Discovering the bird feeder.......

During late summer and Autumn there is a glut of natural food.....hedgerow seeds and berries and still plenty of insects. However it is worth setting up a feeding station with a variety of foods. In my experience it takes birds a while to discover a new food source but they do seem to have a good memory and when the weather deteriorates, they will return in numbers.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Big Year: Extraordinary (clip)

Summer wrens......

We have had an odd summer with several false starts interspersed with cold and wet conditions. During a  walk around Weston Turville reservoir yesterday morning I found these juvenile wrens not long out of the nest, which is quite late in the summer even or wrens which can have several broods. The alarm call of the parent bird can be heard in the background but the youngsters seemed quite inquisitive about me and kept 'eyeing' me through the foliage.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Down in the dirt.......

It is easy to be wowed by big landscapes and exotic scenery, but sometimes the greatest beauty lies just beneath our feet. Saw this tiny scarlet pimpernel and poppy growing at the edge of a chalky field the other day just on the edge of Wendover.....

Thursday 6 August 2015

the world is your lobster - RIP George Cole

Hummingbird hawk moth

Filmed this in the early summer whilst having breakfast in the garden. There were also quite a few painted lady butterflies which had arrived on a northerly shift of warm air from the European continent. I have planted many nectar-rich plants in this sunny corner of the garden but the self-sown valerian has always proved to be the biggest attraction, especially for the occasional hummingbird hawkmoth that we are lucky to see. It is hard to believe sometimes that they are an insect and not a bird as you watch them move with such speed from flower to flower.

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....