Saturday 1 January 2011

A new year, a new decade and a new list.....

First bird this decade.....a skylark flying over the house. Funny how things change...slowly, with kite and little egret on this morning's list: twenty years ago would have had birders flocking to see daily sighting. Full list for this morning: skylark, robin, blue tit, great tit, goldcrest, long-tailed tit, wren, jackdaw, rook, jay, carrion crow, collared dove, wood pigeon, reed bunting, pheasant, dunnock, black-headed gull, grey heron, red kite, little egret, moorhen...this will be a big year. Off to Whipsnade later, possibly via College lake so total should rise before the end of the day......

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....