Saturday 23 April 2011

Had an incredible day at Kuringai National Park....after the sunshine of the last few days the rain didn't fact it actually added to the atmosphere. In contrast to the rest of Sydney - with the exception of South Head - small birds were abundant with large mixed flocks dominated by silvereyes but including eastern spinebills, yellow robins, spotted pardalotes and golden whistlers. The highlight was undoubtedly the superb male lyrebird who sang invisibly only metres from the path only to reveal himself tantalisingly for a few seconds before disappearing again. A lifetime dream on a 21 hour flight back to UK now.....eek!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Has had a great few days chilling in Sydney...the birds are incredibly confiding and and video footage to follow......

Friday 8 April 2011

Absolutely stunning day and the birds are on their way back. Popped to Wilstone and saw the returning terns but the best bird was a female ruddy duck hanging out with some pochard. Shame about the cull....I miss their antics...

Thursday 7 April 2011

Had a great day at Dungeness while Heidi and Lottie explored Rye with Joyce. Shared the point with coachloads of twitchers - literally - and a convoy of bikers and couldn't help feeling the poor ring ouzel looked a bit harassed. Was most pleased to get the long-staying glaucous gull, particularly as patience and instinct paid off....a group of loafing gulls on the beach looked like a possible location for it and just as I was about to leave having scanned them for a while it flew in to join them. Lovely summer plumage black-necked grebe on ARC pit and yellow wagtails around the RSPB visitor centre, as well as a late brambling on the feeder. Bittern was booming near the ramp but was barely audible over the dron of bikes on a nearby track. Great day....

Friday 1 April 2011


turned in to a gorgeous evening and rushed over to Ivinghoe Beacon to look for the ring ousel...eventually connected with it following its fieldfare-like call and watched it with a couple who had not seen one before...they were so thrilled that showing them was the best part of the evening. Lambs in the field were dead cute...!

Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....