Thursday 7 April 2011

Had a great day at Dungeness while Heidi and Lottie explored Rye with Joyce. Shared the point with coachloads of twitchers - literally - and a convoy of bikers and couldn't help feeling the poor ring ouzel looked a bit harassed. Was most pleased to get the long-staying glaucous gull, particularly as patience and instinct paid off....a group of loafing gulls on the beach looked like a possible location for it and just as I was about to leave having scanned them for a while it flew in to join them. Lovely summer plumage black-necked grebe on ARC pit and yellow wagtails around the RSPB visitor centre, as well as a late brambling on the feeder. Bittern was booming near the ramp but was barely audible over the dron of bikes on a nearby track. Great day....

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....