Thursday 12 January 2012

Hero At The Zoo

As a policy I always try to resist cynicism because it can become embedded in your outlook in such a way that you end up with a continuously gloomy outlook on life. But in my weaker moments I like to reflect on Dustin Hoffman's fatherly advice at the end of 'Accidental Hero' - a superb film which explores our perceptions of heroism and what we are fed by the media - which I thoroughly recommend. What his character says is remarkably true when you consider the voluminous, continuous and often conflicting media output which bombards us from all directions, the pointless professional paperwork and dubious target driven data that gets shifted around and pedalled as 'fact' or 'truth'. I do wonder sometimes whether I have found my level of bullshit...the level I am comfortable and can deal with. I loved it at the Royal Geographical Society earlier this week when discussing the tension between public and private spaces in urban areas with a PhD student....I surprised myself at how easily I stepped up a gear and engaged with him at his level - his particular brand of bullshit . Worryingly it all made sense and even more worryingly I enjoyed it....

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....