Tuesday 10 January 2012

HS2: I am not a BANANA.........

Perhaps the most annoying aspect of the whole HS2 'debate' has been portrayal of any person opposed to the development as a NIMBY or its extreme version, the BANANA (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody)...a Tory Toff from the Shires interested only in preserving their lawn. Every geographer knows that change is an integral part of any environment but the problem with the HS2 line is its complete lack of symapthy for the landscape it will traverse - precisely because of the speed issue it has to go in a straight line, ploughing through communities urban and rural, ancient woodlands (habitat fragmentation and island population dynamics are the enemy of biodiversity), valleys (those of the Colne and Misbourne) and productive farmland. The proposals in the consultation were woefully lacking in compensatory habitat creation - landscaping/ tree-planting/excavation of run-off pools or green corridors for wildlife to remain mobile in a dissected environment. A decent survey of the plant and animal communities affected had not even been undertaken in the initial proposal. And precisely how sustainable is the high-speed technology in reality? How much CO2 will be created in its construction? It is wrong to dismiss people who are passionate about where they live, who are prepared to exercise their right to protest and make their views heard, as NIMBYS. You promised the greenest government ever Mr Cameron. Don't make me laugh...

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