Monday 7 May 2012

This makes being locked in the toilet seem tame......why me?????!!!!!!!

So...arrived at the big car park in central Aylesbury having just collected Grandma from the train station and ready for a relaxing coffee and read of the paper. The rain had started to fall after a bright start...but who cares? It's a Bank Holiday and time to RELAX. I went to get a car park ticket while Grandma and Lottie disappeared inside. As I stood at the ticket machine, I noticed the car a couple of spaces down reversing ....which was a bit odd because it would have been easier just to drive out. And then I noticed something even more odd. There was nobody in the thing. I ran behind it and pushed against the boot and just brought it to a standstill...emphasis on just. So there I was holding this car from going down the hill and ploughing in to the other parked vehicles, looking like I was Gollum trying to do an impression of Aylesbury's strongest man. Each time I relaxed it started to roll back. I called for help but the only person who came over was a pregnant woman who offered to get someone from McDonalds.....'make it Big Mac' I said, thinking as I said it that this was actually no time for humour, but saying it anyway. I shouted at people parking their cars behind it to move them....and just got bemused 'look-at-that-weird-shouting-bald-bloke-pushing-a car-uphill' looks back. One bloke did come over to have a look to see what the fuss was and then walked away laughing....cheers buddy. I 'll remember his face....constipated budgie comes to mind. The hand brake appeared to be on but the car was locked.
Eventually I slowly relaxed my grip again and all seemed well....the car was still. I ran in to the Odeon and asked them to call the police and as I  did so I watched with horror as the car rolled back again....... and parked itself perfectly in a space, still on a slope. Still nobody in it. BIZARRE!!!!!! Now suspecting some sort of prank, I waited for the police to arrive...watching from the window of Costa...... and then the owner arrived and got in. I ran and waved frantically and stood in front of the car . After the initial shock of being confronted by a gesticulating bald man she wound down her window and I told her what had happened. Looking shocked but laughing, she said that when she arrived back she couldn't understand why her car was not where she had left it but that my story explained all. She thanked me and gave me her card and said I deserved a reward.......'get in touch'......
Although holding a car back did not seem funny at the time you do have to look on the funny side of be honest, the bewildered expressions on the faces of the people in Costa made it all worthwhile.....

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Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....