Friday 29 June 2012


I have been teaching for a long time. Sometimes I think for perhaps too long. But of one thing I am sure. It has been a privilege to have known and worked with so many young people over the years....watched them grow, make mistakes, laugh, cry, get angry, get sad, find passion, find each other, find themselves, act like fools and display wisdom beyond their years. Today began with the news that the Dear Soul one of my students - Devaanshi - had been released from the pain that tormented it through a long and debilitating illness. Her spirit was so strong. When I spoke with her a couple of months ago, she said 'I don't think why me? I think why not me'. She crammed more thought and consideration and enthusiasm and love in to her 15 years than many of us will manage in a much longer lifetime. When we stop learning we stop living and the lessons I spent explaining to her the complexities of the water cycle or why volcanoes erupt pale to nothing compared with what she has taught me about life and how precious it truly is. Devaanshi was no teacher in the making...the lessons she has taught all those who spent time with her were more accomplished and perfectly complete than any I could contrive. was a privilege to have been taught by you. Rest in Peace.

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....