Wednesday 31 October 2012

Ash tree fungal infection....a scandal

Ash trees are beautiful. They burst forth from the most unpromising locations with such vitality that they can sometimes become difficult to control, but they shed a light shade that allows the flora beneath to flourish and have delicate, mid-green pinnate leaves that unfold in May. I have watched bullfinches feed on their seeds, clinging to bunches of the dark brown 'keys' in loose groups.
Since the doom-laden news that a fatal fungal infection has been found in Norfolk, I have noticed just how many ash trees there are and what a difference it would make to our landscape were they all to disappear. I am beginning to get very angry at the thought that the infection has been brought to the UK through imported nursery stock from mainland Europe, where the disease has been spreading since at least 2004. Why were import bans not in place? What sort of biosecurity measures had been established? The disease may well have found its own way here, but we now face 'culls' of ash trees to control the disease. I feel that the whole issue has not been handled at all well by DEFRA and we now face losing an integral element of our wooded landscape. More will be said on this matter......

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....