Sunday 7 October 2012

Cannibalistic pike........

At Wilstone reservoir near Tring this weekend a large pike was washed up dead near the bank with another pike wedged in its jaws. They are incredible hunters and grow to an enormous size. I have watched a young fisherman pull one out of Weston Turville reservoir which was as long as he was tall. They are voracious hunters of other fish but will also take young waterbirds as well as water voles and brown rats. They will think nothing of taking smaller individuals of their own species too, occasionally, as it seems, quite literally biting off more than they can 'chew'. I have eaten pike in a local restaurant and although it was a decent meal it did have an odd muddy after-taste - not surprising I suppose if you consider where they hang out.

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....