Thursday 28 March 2013

The Central Park Effect........

It's six years since I was last in Central Park and there is no doubt in my mind that it ranks as one of the most memorable birding experiences of my life. The sheer variety of species, the location.....which feels oddly familiar as if birding on a film set.......the fact that so many of the birds can be approached so easily: it is indeed a special place. I remember being able to hold my guide and check identification details on a nuthatch that was feeding on a tree trunk a matter of not more than a metre away. It is all so new.....a bit like starting out in birding....every bird is a potential new species, unfamiliar bird songs have to be learned and assimilated. Although most birders gravitate towards the wild 'Ramble' area, I find that birds of interest can appear anywhere. I remember observing a Northern Water Thrush feeding in the small stream close to the polar bear enclosure in Central Park Zoo.

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....