Monday 25 March 2013

The Magic of Gibraltar Point.......

I have been visiting Gibraltar Point in Lincolnshire for almost twenty years, sometimes as a birder and mor recently as a geography teacher. It can be a frustrating place.....incredibly 'birdless' compared to the riches just across the Wash in North Norfolk. The Wash Study Centre provides basic but cosy accommodation and SUPERB food and always compensates for a sparce day in the field. When Gibraltar Poibnt is good it is usually very, great grey and isabelline shrikes, large flocks of brambling, black and common redstarts and great views of short-eared and barn owls. The weather conditions at the weekend for our A level sand dunes study were terrible....not only was it freezing but the wind was biting too. As ever, the students were stoic in their efforts and a credit to themselves. This great sequence by  Bucks Birder Richard Billyard really captures the magic of the place and why I keep going back......

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....