Tuesday 3 March 2015

Weasel Mustela nivalis killing Brown Rat


A picture of a weasel riding a flying green woodpecker has been doing the internet rounds and some people have questioned its validity. Well I have seen weasels hunting. amongst other things, woodmice and pied wagtails....they are incredibly fast and strong and riding on the back before delivering a killing bite to the neck is their classic attack strategy. Green woodpeckers are predominantly ground feeders, primarily taking ants from short turf, so I am not surprised this one was attacked by a weasel. They are big  birds and well capable of  carrying the weasel......this one was lucky that  the photographer disturbed the attack for the weasel to let go,,,,,,usually they don't!

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....