Saturday 14 March 2015

Where has the road gone?...Crossing the Washes at Welney......

Many years ago I took my elderly neighbour to see the Whooper and Bewick swans at Welney and after a drive of over a hundred miles got to within a couple of miles of the place to be confronted by this road. The options were simple. Turn back. Take a detour of a further twenty five miles. Or go through it. At the time I owned a Ford Maverick 4WD which, although not a Land Rover, was quite capable and had very high ground clearance. The water wasn't quite as deep as it is in this video but it is unnerving when all you can see of the road are the height markers and you find yourself trying to avoid ducks. We did make it and I have to say this video brought the memories flooding back. Sorry.........

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....