Tuesday 3 April 2012

Skegness isn't where it used to be.....

I have been a little quiet on the blogger front for the last couple of days as I have been at Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve on the Lincolnshire Coast at the northern edge of the Wash. Apart from a weird hiccup on the journey there, when I followed the signs for Skegness that took you instead towards Grimsby.....bizarre road-signing......! It is a wonderfully atmospheric place - a dynamic landscape of wide open spaces and big skies as well as the sounds of skylarks and waders. It is quite literally life on the edge, as high tides quite regularly lap close to the Study Centre's walls...cars have to be parked very carefully. There are times when it can be frustratingly 'birdless' but others when every clump of sea buckthorn seems to conceal a migrant passerine. On Sunday morning I went for an early morning stroll over to Tennyson sands and saw a little ringed plover which had clearly arrived overnight. No luck looking for garganey or short-eared owls though. Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time. The Wash Study Centre was, as ever, a place of cosy tranquility and excellent food and I look forward to my next visit......although next time I will ignore the signs for Skegness.......!

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....