Tuesday 24 April 2012

Who needs a rain dance when you can have a hosepipe ban.......?

Every year it seems to be the same......a scorching period of fabulous weather in early spring promises so much for the summer...the prospect of sunny days in the garden sipping wine and enjoying the food and company associated with barbecues....and then it happens....the dreaded hosepipe ban. Literally on the day it was announced the rain began to fall and it has not stopped since. Now I am a fan of moody skies, rainbows, thunderstorms and unpredictability but now I have had enough. Wilstone reservoir yesterday evening was notable for the absence of summer migrants which to be honest must all be wondering if they should bother at all and just turn around and head back southwards. This morning I stopped off at the recycling centre and heard my first garden warbler of the year singing almost apologetically from a small cherry tree while the rain lashed down, the wind blew and the temperature was nudging six degrees celsius.......it really feels like November! Many early broods of birds will starve or chill to death if this continues much longer.......

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Link to WWT - Welney

Link to WWT - Welney
Some awesome birding opportunities.....